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Associate Veterinarian

Dr. Joe Savarese

Dr. Joe Savarese

Associate Veterinarian

Dr. Joe Savarese

1979 - Post Graduate study at Ohio State University of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Medical Center, New York City. 


New York State Board of Regents - Veterinary Medicine

Secondary School Teacher, Asst Principal and Principal of Jr. -Sr. High School 

Founder of Medaille Veterinary Technology Program - Buffalo, NY

Professor Emeritus

Deputy Sheriff, retired Chief 

Years in practice: 44

Dr. Savarese's career paths have not always been geared towards veterinary medicine, but he has always had an interest in animals and had a love and passion for animals and learning. Dr. “Joe” grew up with a brother, two sisters and parents that instilled a good work ethics and the importance of education.  His mother was a school teacher and his father was a New York City police officer, Dr. Joe saw first hand that nothing came easy. He explains his 

After high school Dr. Joe originally enrolled to begin the Pre-Med program at the University of Dayton.  Due to some circumstances,  his career path veered off into the field of education.  Dr. Joe served as a secondary teacher, an assistant principal and a principal of a Jr.-Sr. high school in New York State.  He had significant support from the Board of Education and colleagues, which afforded him the opportunity to attend veterinary school and obtain his DVM.

After 9/11 Dr. Joe was given the opportunity to go through the New York State police academy, and was sworn in and served for 21 years. He retired in 2023 as a Deputy Sheriff Chief.

When not working, teaching, mentoring, and encouraging other Dr. Joe enjoys spending time with his wife, Millie, fixing things around the house, playing golf, eating Italian food (especially Zuppa de Pesce), spending time with his beloved grandkids and reading, as he will never lose the desire to stop learning. 

Dr. Joe and Millie have two fur babies, a German shepherd named Jesse and a biewer terrier named Gabby.