The Animalife Veterinary Center
Heat Exhaustion in Dogs
Are you endangering your pet’s life? Even the most well-intentioned people underestimate the potential danger of heat when it comes to their pet’s health.
Flea Control in Pets
Let’s take a few minutes here to talk about fleas, those nasty blood sucking critters that mercilessly cause so many dogs and cats to itch and scratch resulting in, what seems like, an endless stream of cases of skin disease into my office.
Christmas Dangers for Pets
Christmas is a joyous season and the perfect time to spend with the ones we love. It is not the perfect time to spend at the Animal ER. Is there ever a perfect time?
Keeping Cats Indoors
In a former article, I discussed pet obesity. This week I’m tackling a topic narrower in scope, but no less significant to the overall health of cats. I love cats more than cats love me.
Marijuana in the Vet World
I can honestly say that not a day goes by when I am not asked at least once some question about medical marijuana. Let me first state that, because the Florida Board of veterinary Medicine has not come up with any specific regulation regarding the use of medical marijuana (let’s call it CBD from here on out), I am forbidden from giving instruction on its use or dosing.
Buckle Up Your Pet
Here’s something interesting off the news wire this morning: Democrat Assemblywoman, L. Grace Spencer of New Jersey, has proposed state legislation requiring pet owners to ‘buckle up’ their pets in cars — or risk a $20 fine, and possibly an animal cruelty charge.
Why dental care is vital for your pet
Caring for your pet’s teeth is one of the most important things you can do to keep your pet happy and healthy well into its “golden years”.
Fleas on Cats, Fleas on Dogs, Fleas EVERYWHERE!
Fleas are one of the most common causes of health problems in pets; and certainly the most common parasite problem we deal with on a daily basis.